<ol id="spiel"><li id="spiel1"><article><div class="node" id="spiel1"><div class="node" id="spiel1-scene"><div class="node" id="spiel1-scene-i18n">{"interlude":["Oh no! Everyone believes the pretty blonde\nand not the poor beggar. How can you get\nyour dog and money back?\n","What the thief doesn't know: you have a\nsecret weapon, you have a good heart...\n","It's so good in fact that you can\nshoot love. Why don't you try it now\nand see what happens...\n"],"explanation":{"aim":{"keys":["▲","▼"],"texts":["Aim higher or lower using the arrow keys"]},"shoot":{"keys":["Space"],"texts":["Shoot with the space bar","... the longer you press, the further you will shoot"]},"move":{"keys":["◄","►"],"texts":["Move using the arrow keys"]}}}</div><div class="node hide spiel1-scene-markt" id="spiel1-scene-markt"></div><div class="node hide spiel1-scene-markt" id="spiel1-scene-markt2"></div><div class="node hide attached" id="spiel1-scene-bettler"><span class="node bettler" id="spiel1-scene-bettler-0"></span><span class="node rad" id="spiel1-scene-bettler-1"></span><span class="node arm" id="spiel1-scene-bettler-2"></span></div></div></div><blockquote data-name="hey_my_dog">Hey, that's my dog!<br />
Give it back to me!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="whom_will_people_believe">Or what? Whom do you<br />
think people will believe?<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="help_me">Help, that disgusting guy<br />
wants to steal my doggy!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="ansporna">Wait a minute, <i>she's</i> the one<br />
who stole <i>your</i> dog?<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="anspornb">Go, get it back!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="anspornc">We believe in you!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="anspornd">You can do it!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="poebel1">Leave the pretty<br />
woman alone!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="poebel2">Hit the road, hobo!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="poebel3">Hit the road, hobo!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="poebel4">Who do you think you are?<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="wie_parkt_man">Damn, how am I supposed<br />
to park this thing?<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="automann">Ok, I give up. Hey, could you<br />
help me park the car?<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="autofrau">Wait, let me get behind the wheel!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="schau_mal_so_einfach">Look, it's that simple...<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="gimme_your_necklace">Gimme your necklace!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="dont_hurt_me">Please don't hurt me!<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="sorry_im_busy">Sorry, I'm busy here...<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="diebin1">Damn! How the hell did this guy manage<br />
to convince people of the truth?<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="diebin2">I messed up big time.<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="diebin3">Here's your dog and money.<br />
I'm sorry.<br />
</blockquote><blockquote data-name="woof">Woof!</blockquote></article></li></ol>