Become a climate saver With the following clever tricks, you can use the internet to improve the climate and intelligently reduce greenhouse gases.
He who possesseth little is so much the less possessed. Friedrich Nietzsche knew this already. The internet brings consumer products and demand together through many sharing platforms and makes everyone who shares and instead of buying a true climate saver.
We want to build the future for the generations to come, not rob them of it.
What is the 2 degrees goal? The 2 degrees goal means that the global average temperature should at most be 2 degrees Celsius above the average temperature before the industrial revolution around the year 1850. Currently, it is already 0.85 °C above the preindustrial level. Even if we'd manage to limit global warming by 2100 to two degrees Celsius, scientists cannot exclude the possibility of catastrophic consequences. That's why many scientists don't consider the 2 degrees goal sufficient. Technically, the 2 degrees goal is achievable with the current technology. The longer comprehensive actions for climate protection are deferred, the higher the costs and risks of fighting climate change will be later on.
What are you doing to save the climate?