
5 rules of thumb for environ­mentally-friendly driving

So much fuel can be saved with little effort. Let's take a ride and have a look at the best tips for eco-friendly driving.

  • 1. Watch your tire pressure Amazing, but true: If tire pressure is just 0.5 bar below the manufacturer's recommendation, fuel consumption increases by 6 percent. Underinflated tires also wear out faster. So always pay attention to the right tire pressure.
  • 2. Brake with the engine Surprisingly, engines don't use the least fuel on idle, but instead through deceleration cutoff – that is, when you leave the car in gear when taxiing to a standstill instead of pressing the clutch. This also protects your brakes.
  • 3. Drive with foresight People under stress often use the accelerator and brake more than calm people. You can save fuel by observing traffic closely. When a traffic light turns red, let up on the accelerator immediately and taxi to a standstill at the light in gear (see tip 2).
  • 4. Switch off the engine at traffic lights and in traffic jams Many modern cars switch off the engine automatically when they are stopped at red lights or in traffic jams. This technique can reduce CO₂ emissions by 7-15 percent on average.
  • 5. Avoid short trips 20 percent of all CO₂ emissions in Germany are caused by cars. That's why you should use your car as little as possible. In particular, short trips with a cold engine cause high CO₂ emissions and can easily be avoided.