European elections

Your choice

Commentators are saying the European elections to be held in May are going to be decisive for the future of the Union. 446 million people, you included, are facing a major crossroads. Why it’s so important that you go out and vote.

  • E Even without knowing what the year 2019 will bring, we’ve already nominated the text you’re reading as the most important article of the year to be published in We Care magazine. But why? In May we will be selecting a new European Parliament. And that parliament is the largest democratically elected body in the world. Many are characterizing the coming election as being decisive for Europe’s destiny. Because Europe’s opponents are sensing the wind and seizing the chance to drive a wedge into European unity. But we’re determined not to abandon Europe to forces of disruption and populism. Let's make the effort together to secure our freedom and democracy – and for a strong, networked community!

Three reasons why your yes for Europe is so important

  • 1

    Our community is under threat

    • A united Europe founded on the values of freedom and respect for human rights is something some of us have grown to take for granted. But that assumption is a luxury we can no longer afford! The rise of the populist right is congealing into a force in Europe that makes no secret of its ambition to smash the parliament. What is deeply worrying is that such forces won’t need to achieve an absolute majority in order to drive forward their project of dividing Europe. All they need to succeed is that their MEPs collectively become the largest single faction within the next parliament. This will allow them to engage in massive sabotage of the European legislative process and to paralyze Europe’s capacity to make decisions on its future. Let’s defend our freedom and our democracy. And the only way to do that is to go out and vote on May 26.
  • 2

    Europe’s economic stability depends on the election

    • A strong and unified Europe is a basic prerequisite for its economic success and for the creation of a stable employment market in Europe and each of its member states. But if the capacity to legislate at the EU level were to be blocked, then the national economies of Europe would sooner or later fall into deep recession. Without the ability to enact shared laws, it would be impossible to maintain the EU-wide supply chains and sales networks on which Europe’s economy depends. Even a serious doubt about the future of the EU and the Euro would probably lead to many investors investing their capital in other parts of the world and the economy losing its wind in the sails So, to maintain the cohesion and economic stability of Europe, your vote is essential!
  • 3

    Only together can we shape the future

    • Extreme weather conditions are on the increase, with catastrophic consequences, including forest fires and crop failures. Researchers forecast that there will be more plastic objects in our oceans than fish by the year 2050. Stopping climate change and protecting the environment are now among the greatest challenges facing mankind today. It is only through our combined strength that we can succeed in meeting these great challenges. And to achieve that we need a strong and unified Europe. So it is against this background too that the European elections will play a decisive role in shaping our future and that of our children.

Of course, not everything that the EU decides is uncontroversial. Some decisions have met with massive criticism. Democracy is after all always going to be a compromise. Winston Churchill once said that “Democracy is the need to bend occasionally to the will of other people.” But not voting is absolutely not the right way to express your dissatisfaction with decisions that you found unacceptable. On the contrary, the most intelligent way of expressing your protest is by voting. And that’s why the upcoming European elections in particular are your choice.

What would happen if Europe were to break up.

  • Customs posts and border checks would be introduced.
  • The largest single market of the world would no longer exist.
  • And neither would free trade
    between the former EU members.
  • The competitive edge of the (former) EU
    member states would be blunted.
  • Interest rates and prices would presumably rise
  • Jobs could be lost as well
  • Prosperity would decline
  • We’d lose a great many freedoms
  • Political conflicts would erupt between former member states
  • The role of Europe as a mediator between east and west would be lost, with unknown consequences for the entire world.
  • The former member states would no longer be in a
    position to play a role in world politics
  • We would be weaker!

We oppose hate and disunity

  • Life is for Sharing: that's what Deutsche Telekom's values stand for. In his statement at the company’s 2017 shareholders’ meeting, Deutsche Telekom CEO Tim Höttges made Deutsche Telekom's position on Europe crystal clear: "We are pro-Europe. We want to overcome borders. We don't want to build walls. We don't want hate or division, rather we want to share. We want to enable sharing through digitalization.”

    Everything Deutsche Telekom stands for and everything it does is based on fundamental democratic values. As drivers and designers of the digitalization process, we see it as our mission to promote democratic ground rules for the internet and to provide support for people in forming their own views. We want to take full advantage of the opportunities of digitalization in our efforts to build a better future. With our #TAKEPART campaign, we demonstrate our willingness to take on responsibility wherever we have a presence. Because we believe in a strong, networked, optimistic Europe.